• Done and dusted for 2020

The Huringa Pai Maunga to Moana Adventure race is done and dusted for 2020.

“This event was a wicked success in the greater scheme of things” said Keelan Poi (Maunga to Moana Race Director). “We were able to get 105 Competitors to Ruatorea with their friends and families and enjoy the east coast culture”.

The event started on Friday 6th March opening with a powhiri at Mangahanea marae where the response was over whelming. “all competitors and teams turned up for the powhiri which is apart of the event and the kaupapa” Keelan explained.

​This is a key difference between the M2M and any other adventure race or multi-sport event in the world. The catch phrase is ‘where competition meets culture’ which came through strongly over the weekend.

​The race itself was exciting, nerve racking and encouraging. There were a range of different competitors from all over the country and all walks of life. Teams encouraged each other through the race and shared in stories and laughs along the way.

Over all the quickest competitor was Hori Heeney of Ruatorea. “It was great to see a local take out quickest time and do his area proud” Poi said. The top teams however, went to competitors from outside the region which was equally as awesome to see.

​The whole weekend and experience was heart warming. “To have the community rally together to put on such a spectacular event and have so many competitors come to the event and buy in to the entire kaupapa is such a special thing” said Poi.

Maunga to Moana Adventure staff are currently working through the next steps and hope to have a solid plan heading into the future for M2M 2021. They will keep all competitors up to date with movements of the exciting future of The Maunga to Moana Adventure Race.

We would like to thank all the volunteers, ringawera, whanau support, competitors and sponsors that helped get the Huringa Pai Maunga to Moana Adventure race up and running for 2020. We look forward to the future.

Nga mihi

November 4, 2019


Maunga to Moana Adventure

Tuparoa Road, Ruatōrea,
Tairāwhiti, New Zealand 4082

Email: admin at m2madventure dot com

